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    • 主演:未知
    • 导演:Ari Gold 
    • 分类:喜剧片
    • 地区:美国 
    • 年份:2008 
    • 更新:01.14
    • 简介:An outstanding comedy whose poetic style hearkens back to the films of Wes Anderson. It tells of a youngster focused on winning the nationwide drummin


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    An outstanding comedy whose poetic style hearkens back to the films of Wes Anderson. It tells of a youngster focused on winning the nationwide drumming championship in spite of certain obstacles – such as not having any drums! A film that is every bit as hardcore as Jimmy Page’s guitar, and every bit as endearing as Robert Plant’s waistcoats.  There are a lot of films that stick to the hackneyed theme of the outsider bent on fulfilling his dream in spite of all the odds – thanks to which he not only achieves his coveted success but, moreover, instils hope in the hearts of the weak and degraded through his courage and determination. But none of these films has had a protagonist as charismatic as Power – a young man obsessed with drumming drumlessly (read steady gesticulation set to the rhythm of legendary heavy metal anthems), whose aim is to win the nationwide drumming championship, support striking miners in New Mexico and win the heart of a girl who went deaf at the age of three at a Status Quo concert. This brilliant comedy – reminiscent of the films of Wes Anderson in its fascination with bizarre twists on standard genre themes – will thrill you even if you are not a fan of 1970s hard-rock dinosaurs. But you mustn’t forget Power’s creed while you’re watching “I don’t need drums. I am drums!  About the director  Ari Gold received a Student Oscar in 2000 for his film Helicopter, an experimental short film in which he used authentic photography, scene reconstructions and animated sequences to tell of the tragic death of his mother. The Sundance Festival accepted Gold’s short student films for three consecutive years, and one of them – the sixty-second film Culture, which the filmmaker accompanied with a 10-point manifesto signed with the pseudonym Ari von Gold – elicited (particularly in Serbia) a wave of similar films of exactly one minute in length avowing “Dogma 99”. In addition to filmmaking, Ari Gold is also a dedicated musician – he sings in the bands The Honey Brothers and The Gold Brothers, he plays the ukulele, the piano and occasionally the drums. The film Adventures of Power is his first feature-length film.


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    • 4.0 已完结 非常幸运 章子怡,王力宏,林心如,姚晨,蔡少芬,郑恺,关颖,高捷,邢思杰,张晋,刘桦,戎祥
    • 4.0 已完结 恋者多喜欢 胡兵,刘涛,马静怡,连晋,崔准硕
    • 2.0 已完结 2012喜上加喜 曾志伟,毛舜筠,黄宗泽,冯淬帆,邵音音,张馨予
    • 5.0 已完结 大诱拐 风间彻,西川弘志,内田勝康,神山繁,水野久美,岸部一德,奥村公延,天本英世,松永麗子,山本廉,長森雅人,北林谷荣,寺田农,景山民夫,本田博太郎,藤木悠,松泽一之,中谷一郎,上田耕一,常田富士男,龙雷太,岛田久作,树木希林,绪形拳
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    • 4.0 已完结 底层生活 罗伯特·卡莱尔,Emer,McCourt,Richard,Belgrave,Jim,R.,Coleman
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    • 1.0 已完结 福星闯江湖 吴耀汉,曾志伟,冯淬帆,苗侨伟,刘嘉玲,曹达华,陈百祥,郑则仕,王青,卢海鹏,陈奕诗,王晶,许绍雄
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